Is North Korea the only one could trigger World war 3, What about this?

We are living in a time near to the war, where all the countries are against, just the North Korea or Iran's, Nuclear program, is it only defending the interest of USA, or it is a hit a run kind of scene a Geo-political influence of USA politics. Iran and Iraq already suffered a huge earthquake left more than 300 dead and thousands injured. Mother nature is also angry on us humans.

How about the march in Poland, where 60,000 European nationals, Polish, may be German, are trying to create the same situation like been created in Hitler era. They are with the slogans, white Europe. And they were praying for "Islamic Holocaust".

Due to Syrian war the world experienced the humanitarian crises, human history never experienced. It overloaded the European boarders with refugees. In these broader, woman are being rapped, kids, old and young are suffering.

European weather is a tough one. Now right wings are praying for what, another big crises, will this not create or trigger any war. The areas where Mr president of USA, went like kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It trigger more fights. Once rich country is also suffering economical crises. Immigrants from many countries around the world has no choice to leave the kingdom.The figures in millions the people left their belongings and returning homes hand to mouth.

Spain misunderstood the Catalan independence. It created little unrest in the region. They make many women and men, rush to the street and cry for independence. Most of the European countries are in crises. Euro zone is suffering and straggling.

Most of the USA is in the same way, domestic violence, uncontrolled weapons and drugs epidemic. Where Mr. President is just talking like a WWE wrestler. He is just in a talk with North- Korea. Where both are exchanging fire talks, and hate speech. USA is a huge country. But North Korea is suffering from generations. Due to past pleasing of USA and its interest, historically.

Or the tummies of the greedy war lords would be filled by more human blood. Now with all the conclusion of this; North Korea is not the only reason against causing the WW3. It is who ever will go against the Geo-political influence's and try to use hard-power, will be a reason to trigger the world war 3. How about the rest of the world?

The effects of this earthquake is more harsher than a ballistic missile. Are we human beings are trying to create a world war 3 between us and God? or it is for only one region's interest taking us near to the dooms-day.
