Is it easy to Quit Alcohol, drugs and smoking, once you get trapped; You can Quit in 1 Day if you have this?

How motivated are you to read this blog? It will explain some simple steps to quit any addiction, related to alcohol, drugs and smoking. Ask you self a question, if you do this socially or as a party animal. Will continuing, effect you financially and domestically?

 Lets talk about the smoking, an average smoker spend $5.5 a day in USA or little more or less in other parts of the world, $2007.5 in 365 days if a year, on cigarettes alone. If average life is 60 years than, $120,660.

Lets talk about alcohol, how much an average person, who consume alcohol spend on alcohol. Lets imagine 1 cane of bear cost, $2 , its $730 a year. $43,800 in a 60 years of life span, and that is a minimum calculation. If we calculate drug cost, its also have figures comes in hundred of thousands.

Domestically, it affect the savings, if you wanna save for your kids, or save when you need to spend on your health. These cost could be saved and will be ended in buying a decent house.Anyhow, is it  easy to quit alcohol, drugs and smoking, once you get trapped? How many days will yo need to be clean? answer is just 1 day. What are the side effects whcih your body will suffer?

Bad habits are like comfortable bed, once you get into it, it is hard to get out. But if you have will, proper diet plane and exercise routine. Here is a thumbs up, you can leave all bad habits behind.

The withdrawal for leaving smoking, are severe headache, body pain or vomiting. Do not take medicine pain killer, nicotine gum or patches. Consult the doctor, change your daily routine, start your day early. After morning prayers, leave the house and run. It will make your body stronger. Than go home have a decent break fast. Now, its time to go to work.

Avoid coffee, rather take some green tea with honey or lemon. Than at lunch eat some-thing light. your cravings make you eat bad, will trigger the with-drawls. Drink plenty of water, it will help your body eliminate toxins, get them out of your body. If you feel angry, do some yoga, here are some tips; go out in fresh air, breath in and breath out. Sit on a carpet, use your belly to inhale fresh oxygen, with your belly power and than exhale it through your nostrils.

Work on your spirituality, clean your aura, fast if you can. Once you are clean from your negative feelings, you need no toxin to relax you, than you only enjoy you with your optimism. Monitor your thoughts,the human is a visual animal, watch great videos or motivational videos. Forgive your enemies, it will relax you and gives you power to quit any bad habit.

Choose got company man is know by companies he keeps, occupied yourself with good people, find a partner who will quit with you. It will help you generate power and will to be on the track.

All the things you find in the ocean of internet, is only misleading information, they tell you quit smoking or alcohol in weeks, clean your body with this cleanser, these all products are telling you lies, the only way to quit in 1 day is a dedication, diet plane and some lite exercises.
